Say When by Ann2who

Title: Say When
Author: Ann2who
Fandom: Avengers, Captain America, Iron Man
Length: 95,946 in total but the series is not complete yet
Warnings: Language, Mature Sexual Situation, Palladium Poisoning, Panic Attacks, Violence
Pairing: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers

Overall Summary: There were so many what ifs between them. What if time had just moved a little differently, what if they’d met earlier? What if it was a lie that ultimately brought them together? There were so many chances, so many opportunities and so… so many ways for two people to fall in love. What if Steve was unfrozen early? What if instead of Natasha, Steve got assigned to help Tony while the genius was slowly dying of palladium poisoning? What if he never revealed his identity to him until the very moment the Avengers first came together, forming a team?

Why You Should Read This: This is such a different take on the way Tony and Steve meet as well as the development of their relationship and it is awesome. It well written and truly a joy to read. I have found a new author to add to my favourites list when it comes to this pairing. And bonus – it comes with a trailer…

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