Not a Porn Star by Melonbutterfly

Title:  Not a Porn Star
Author:  Melonbutterfly
Fandom:  Stargate Atlantis
Pairing:  John/Rodney
Rating:  R
Warnings:  none
Genre: AU
Word Count:  11,375


In which John is an actor and Rodney is a scientist who doesn’t get what the big deal is.

Why You Should Read This:

Wanted to give some love to an SGA story; I cheerfully rec other fandoms but John/Rodney is my OTP and sometimes they get ignored in the new and shiny. Don’t worry, there are more in my queue…

This is a series of 5 (short-ish) stories about Rodney being an oblivious scientist who cute-meets John, who is an actor, grateful to not be recognized. Each story is kind of a vignette of the progression of their relationship, and the whole is a satisfying read.

One Comment:

  1. Hmmm… I haven’t read this in donkey’s years, so thanks for reminding me of the fun read! In some respects the John in this AU is a bit similar to similar to the one in The Tangler & The Hunter by Master Elayna, tho’ of course that is a longer single fic that I would call a fusion….

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