In Name Only by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria

Title: In Name Only
Author: BootsnBlossoms & Kryptaria
Fandom: Skyfall
Pairing(s): James Bond/Q
Rating: Explicit
Genre: AU, First Time, BDSM
Word Count: 84, 500


Beyond the world of BDSM clubs and fetish communities lies the Marketplace — a secret society of consensual slavery and service.

During an MI6 investigation into black market sales of Ministry of Defence assets, James Bond discovers what he believes to be a human trafficking ring called the Marketplace. He infiltrates the organisation as a buyer, but remains focused on his goal: follow the money trail.

On a private Marketplace cruise, one slave for auction catches Bond by surprise. Q is brilliant, ethereally beautiful, and vulnerable. Bond is instantly drawn to him, and he resolves to take down the Marketplace and rescue Q. What Bond doesn’t realise, though, is that Q is right where he wants to be.

Why You Should Read This:

This was a really enjoyable AU in which Bond is still Bond, and Q is still a computer genius, but is simply someone who needs to serve. I loved watching them come together.


  1. Holy cow! I’ve been flirting with this fandom on and off (unsatisfied) but this was just amazing fun. Thank you!

  2. Ohh, this looks SO GOOD. Thank you for bringing it to my attention 😀

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