Title: iHero
Author: Bernice
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
Rating: R
Genre: Action Adventure, Romance, Humor, Angst, Drama
Word Count: 81,000
Summary: Lex gets everything he ever wanted, not that he’d ever admit he wanted what he gets.
Why You Should Read This:
It’s the first fic I read in the Smallville Fandom and it made me ship Clark/Lex so hard that I could barely stand to sit still. I may have danced a little in my chair. The characterizations are AWESOME.
Complete agreement! Bernice just takes the reader on one hell of a ride, keeping the characters perfectly human and true.
A wonderful meld of Smallville and comic book canon.
This is a great story and I got to listen to the podfic version of it which was pretty awesome as well. If you are new to smallville fic and are interested in reading some more really great clark/Lex fic, you should check out Lanning’s Identical series. Her characterization and plot is really excellent. http://archiveofourown.org/series/897
Fabulous fic. I really loved it.
This made me a fan of DJ Earworm.