Hooke’s Law by Zinnith

Title: Hooke’s Law
Author: Zinnith
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Relationship: McKay/Sheppard
Genre: AU, Established Relationship, Romance, Angst
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 75,610
Note: This is part of the Entangled Particles ‘verse

Summary:  Five years ago, Major John Sheppard read a novel and fell in love with the author, one M.R. McKay. His life has changed a lot since then. He might not be able to fly anymore, but he has a job he loves and he just moved into a new house together with his boyfriend. But not everything is perfect. Who is the crazed fan sending Rodney those deeply unsettling letters?  Will the rest of the world conspire to tear down everything that matters to John?

Why You Should Read It

This is one of my fav AUs and I was thrilled to see such a huge addition in the SGA Big Bang. Rodney in this AU is a thrilling version of the man he could’ve been if he’d given himself over to his music instead of physics. This is 2 Thumbs WAY Up.

Keira Marcos

Life is short -- read as much as you can.


  1. How I love this story! I love how these me nare with each
    Zinnith does it every time.. I think dhe has three smaller
    stories in Wraithbait that break my heart.
    Fans can make the characters so powerful.
    Well, as I said, I love this story.. Bluespirit_star has
    a story called A Solitary Man with the same kind of power
    this one has.
    Thanks Zinnith.

  2. I am selma ehrenfeld, reading Hooke’s Law for the twentieth time,
    at the very least.
    Thank you, one and all…Selma

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