Halema’uma’u (or, The New Tattoo) by springwoof

Title:  Halema’uma’u (or, The New Tattoo)
Author:  springwoof
Fandom:  Hawaii 5-0, The Highlander crossover
Pairing:  Steve/Danny
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:  Graphic violence, death of major characters
Genre: Alternate Universe, Crossover, Action/Adventure, Angst
Word Count: 75,495


An international terrorist, with an unusual interest in volcanoes, has come to Hawai’i. Immortal FBI Agent Matthew McCormick is on his trail and seeks the help of the Five-0 team—then things get really explosive!

Why You Should Read This:

Chin Ho Kelly is a Watcher who finds he can’t “just observe”.  Not this time.  Not when the Immortal in questions is Pele.

This is a nice long story with a number of very well-drawn OCs as well as well-drawn canon characters.  There is an excellent balance between the 5-0 and Highlander stories and the blend of the two works very well.


  1. Thanks for the rec – this really looks interesting and I hadn’t run into it before as I rarely read H5O. One thing…the author – his/her name is actually springwoof and not springwolf. Eh.

    Thanks again!

  2. Interesting…but As Ladorespike said.. you have me and the Woof confused. 😉

  3. Eep. Okay, I’ll fix it. Thanks for noticing and letting me know!

  4. Thank you for the lovely rec! I’m glad you enjoyed the story, and honored that you thought it deserved a rec. 🙂

    • I really liked it. I love crossovers when they are well balanced between the shows in question and this one definitely was. Your OCs were great too.

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