Forest of Voices by omg_wtf_yeah

Title: Forest of Voices
Author: omg_wtf_yeah
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~11,000
Genre: Action/Adventure, First Time, Romance, Horror
Warning: Language, Violence

Summary: The trip to PX5-629 was supposed to be a walk in the park. It turned out to be anything but.

Why You Should Read This:
This fic was written for the SGA Reverse Big Bang this year, and I found it to be genuinely creepy. I debated tagging this with “paranormal” as well, because the forest described in this fic is not normal. I read this fic at night and was on the edge of my seat, unable to stop reading until I had reached the conclusion of the fic. The creepiness of the plot is balanced nicely by the awkward sweetness of John and Rodney, and by the end you’ll be breathing a sigh of relief.

Keira Marcos

Life is short -- read as much as you can.

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