Every Hug by Problematique

Title:  Every Hug
Author:  Problematique
Fandom:  Star Trek Enterprise Reboot
Pairing:  James T Kirk/ Spock
Rating:  PG
Warnings:  Lots of hugging
Genre:  Romance, First Time, Hugs
Word Count: 50,295


The first time was involuntary, I am certain. He did not walk toward me so much as fall against me,  body crumpling in a graceful arch. I remained still, unsure of how to proceed. “You’re alive” he breathed, so softly that only I could have heard him.

Why You Should Read This:

This story is adorable! A basket full of baby Spock kittens adorable! In this story Spock maps out his growing attraction for James T Kirk by every hug.  And there is a lot of hugging! Problematique captures Spock uncertainty and Kirk awesomeness brilliantly. If you love this fic please check out the rest of her writing because she has the unique ability to write fabulous short and long pieces. In fact I’m off to re-read them all now!


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