Children of Lantean Design by Xela

Title: Children of Lantean Design (Alternate Link)
Author: Xela
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Word Count: ~ 93,000

Pairing: John/Rodney, Parrish/Lorne, Ronon/Keller, hints of Teyla/Kanaan and various others; pairings amongst OCs
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, AU, Future Fic, Romance

Summary: Somewhere in the unexplored regions of Atlantis, a blast rips through the city. When Sheppard and his team go to investigate, they discover a group of ragged young refugees, transported from an apocalyptic parallel future Atlantis into this one. The expedition struggles with their identity and what makes a family when they realize the children are the progeny of an Atlantis that became a thriving colony. The kids struggle to come to terms with their ordeal, people that seem so familiar but aren’t, and their own secrets.

Why You Should Read This:
This story reads like it could be part of the series with no problems. The OCs are believable. The plot explores an interesting What if-situation. “Children of Lantean Design” is one of the fics I can (and will) read again and again.


  1. This is one of my Keepers. I’ve read so many times that if I had a hard copy of it, it would be very tattered and torn by now.

  2. hi! i just tried to read the fic Children of Lantean Design, but when i get to the page, and click on the pdf or the link for the first chapter, all i get are error messages or nothing at all. just thought you might want to know

  3. This story was also recently had a podfic created if you would like to hear it read.

  4. eternus discipulus

    I liked this story, opens op a whole universe of possibilities and explores them thoroughly. Character development is believable and doesn’t assume more than needed to make the story work. OC’s are amazingly deep and there are a lot of them to keep track of, their interaction with the characters is also very believable.
    It took me a while to get into the story because it doesn’t begin with familiar characters or settings. But after a while you roll right into it and start appreciating why the writer chose to write it that way.

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