Title: Absolution
Author: Wolfling and Omphalos
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Sam Winchester/Ruby
Genre: Suspense, Drama, Angst
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 106k
Summary: Against his better judgement, Castiel offers Dean a way to save Sam.
Why You Should Read This: Set in mid-4th season, this story deals with Sam’s choice to work with Ruby and how his insistence that he is in control shows just how out of control he really is during this time. AU after the events in the episode Sex and Violence. The story shifts POV from Castiel to Dean to Sam. Castiel and Dean embark of a quest to find a solution to Sam’s blood addiction even as the younger Winchester works against them. I spent time waffling between wanting to hug all the characters and beat them all to death for their stubbornness. The authors really have grasped the character’s voices and it is a long enjoyable read.