A Providence of Stars by Melagan

Title: The Providence of Stars
Author: melagan
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings: MPreg, canon-typical violence
Genre: Case-fic, romance, historical, AU
Word Count:  23,888


In the summer of 1942, young Dr. Rodney McKay steps off a train, eager to continue his work on the war effort. Nearly a year later, he’s running for his life with Captain John Sheppard.

Why You Should Read This:

It’s a classic McKay/Sheppard AU.

Rodney’s mouth gets him in trouble and he’s shipped off to the 1942 equivalent of Siberia – the Nevada desert.

But there’s a scientific mystery, a skeevy breeding program, a hot man, a functioning Door from Heaven, and more.

A fun fic and a fun read!

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