Title: Skyfall Lodge
Author: BootsnBlossoms and Kryptaria
Fandom: Skyfall (James Bond)
Pairing: past Bond/Alec, Bond/Q, Bond/Q/Alec
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 55,882
Genres: First Time, Drama, Romance, AU, BDSM, Angst
Warnings: Hard BDSM in later chapters
Summary: After Silva’s escape from MI6 custody, Alec Trevelyan drags MI6’s new, brilliant Quartermaster to the safest place he knows: Skyfall Lodge, home of reclusive ex-soldier, James Bond.
Grudgingly, Q accepts the technological isolation as necessary for his own safety, and he begins to regard Bond as a possible diversion to pass the time until Silva is eliminated and it’s safe for Q to return to London. He never expects Bond to become so much more.
Why You Should Read This: It’s brilliantly and emotionally written. Three lonely men figure out that where they need to be is with each other. Though most of the fic revolves around Bond and Q; Alec, while mostly absent plays a significant emotional role. The BDSM though pretty hard core is very well written and very hot. It’s a slow build a first but it has a very satisfying ending.
I would honestly recommend anything written by either of these two. I think Ordinary Workplace Numbers might have been recced before, but this is one of my favourites, along with their series “Refraction”. I think what I liked most was that none of it felt forced, it was natural and slow but very fulfilling.
I enjoyed the dynamic of Q and Bond in this fic plus rural Q is quite funny to read!