Title: The Corruption Sequence
Author: Beren (beren_writes)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Genre: First Time, Dark, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: ~90,000
Corruption – Voldemort has captured Harry and for his own twisted reasons has chosen not to kill him outright. Revenge in the Dark Lord’s mind requires a fate worse than death and Harry is about to find out what that is. Distortion – Voldemort died at Harry’s hand, just like the Prophecy said, but is there a life for Harry after what the Dark Lord has done to him? Alteration – Harry has returned to Hogwarts after Dumbledore took charge of the situation at Malfoy Manor, but is he safe from the Ministry and is the world safe from him? Reformation – Harry is officially free, but that does not mean he is ready to return to his normal life and he is still very aware that he can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous. He is also beginning to realise that his relationship with Draco is anything by simple.
Why You Should Read This:
This is a wonderfully dark fic, written by an outstanding author, who is able to take you inside the darkness of a creature, and bring out his humanity in a most surprising way. I loved this fic when it was a tilogy, and was more than pleased when the author posted a fourth story in the sequence some six years after the trilogy was completed. Even after all that time, the characters remained consistent and true to her vision. Wonderfully done, and a joy to (re) read.
Love this! One of my all time favorites! 🙂