Team Dynamics, Family, and Other Things That Will Hurt You by Pistol

Title: Team Dynamics, Family, and Other Things That Will Hurt You
Author: Pistol
Fandom: The Losers
Pairing(s): Carlos “Cougar” Alvarez/Jake Jensen
Rating: Mature
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, First Time, Romance
Word Count: ~97,300


The man tells him how joining up is like starting a whole new life, becoming a better person. He talks about incentives, career opportunities, health care, and saving plans, but Jake can’t stop staring at the picture of a man and woman looking proudly at their daughter in uniform. Or how The Losers became The Losers.

Why You Should Read This:

This was a great background story. You got to see how Jensen became Jensen and how he and Cougar met. You got to see how their relationship developed and didn’t just happen, and how friendship is the foundation of any healthy romance. This is one of those that I go back to again and again when I want to spend time with these guys.

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