Ten Percent Solution by peg22

Title:  Ten Percent Solution
Author:  peg22
Fandom:  Starsky and Hutch, House/Wilson
Pairing:  Starsky/Hutch, House/Wilson
Rating:  Mature
Warnings: One major character is drug dependent
Genre:  Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Word Count: 16,412


It’s older Starsky and Hutch. It’s House at his crankiest. They collide at Princeton Plainsboro when Starsky comes down

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Son of Mine by simoneallen

TitleSon of Mine
Author: simoneallen
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC) and House
Pairing(s): John/Sherlock, House/Wilson
Rating: Mature
Warnings: sexual situations, medical discussions
Genre: Alternate Universe, First-Time, Established Relationship, Cross Over
Word Count: 13, 540

Wilson shrugged. “Well, you’ve met him,” he pointed

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Bounty Hunter Bedlam by hwshipper

Title: Bounty Hunter Bedlam
Author: hwshipper
Fandom: House MD/Stephanie Plum Series
Pairing: House/Wilson (eventually)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 27,000 words
Genre: Romance, Angst, Cross-over, Adventure, Action, Crime, Snark

How much havoc can a crippled Princeton doctor wreak for a disaster-prone Trenton bounty hunter? Stephanie Plum meets House and

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