Title: Possessive and Protective
Author: Ell Roche
Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Genre: Drama, Friendship
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,680
Summary: John should’ve known better than to trust Sherlock’s safety to anyone but himself. Deaged!Sherlock
Why You Should Read This: This is a short and cuddly Sherlock is turned into a kid!fic. It’s awesome. Whenever I need a dose of Sherlockness, I come back and read this. “Mummy never taught me to share.”
Oh. My. God. Suspend disbelief at the de-aging process, and go read it. Short, punchy and so many of my favourite essential John-ness and Sherlock-ness. This rocketed to my favourite in seconds. Best fic!Sherlock line I have ever read – “Mummy never taught me to share”.