Title: Ordinary Numbers
Authors: BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria
Fandom: Skyfall
Pairing: James Bond/Q
Rating: R (barely but better safe than sorry)
Warnings: off-screen Bond violence
Genre: Romance, fluff
Word Count: 44,175
More than anything, Mike Taylor wanted to be ordinary. Being a genius, he learned early in life, meant people expected too much. A career at the MI6 Help Desk seemed the perfect way to guarantee a lifetime of obscurity, until he got a very unusual tech support call.
Why You Should Read This:
“The reward for a job well done is a harder job.”
Something I learned a long time ago from Miles Vorkosigan and something Mike Taylor has taken to heart. 😉 He has done well enough in school to have a good record but not spectacular. He hides his skills from his co-workers and especially from his supervisor.
Of course that unusual tech support call is our bad boy James and an interesting relationship develops between James and what he considers his personal tech support person. Mike can’t help but help James to the best of his ability… to James’ eternal gratitude and, eventually (I’m not really giving anything away, here, it’s an obvious leap) others in MI6 take note.
This story is actually mostly pre-Skyfall and James and Mike don’t meet until well into the story. But it’s well paced, entertaining and a good read.