Title: in this part of the story
Author: gunsandbutter
Fandom: Inception
Pairing(s): Arthur/Eames
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst, Romance, Action
Word Count: 22,299
Summary: “You’re looking quite smart for a dead man.”
Why You Should Read This:
I’m a big fan of pining and love and the nature of romance. This is a story about sex and love. It’s about being in love and not even knowing it. Eames is perfectly written–oblivious, lusty, unrepentant, and lovely at all at the same time. He wants to deny himself but he can’t ever get there and I appreciate his lack of restraint and Arthur’s patience. I’m a huge Arthur/Eames shipper and this fic is forever in my top 10 fave fics for the fandom.
Beyond the story the author told — the craft work in this piece is just outstanding. The character development is spot on and the structure of the story is excellent.